Thursday, October 6, 2011


i thought this kinda lame until to 0.30 mark ,where i proceeded to piss my pants laughing when song starts,,,,,do it.

Anonymous Hacks Westboro Baptist Church Website During Live Confrontation

i found out these guys were going to protest steve job's funeral,google them and couldnt get on,tried twice then thought to myself ahhh Anonymous....good target they deserve it

Can I Keep My Weed.mp4

This is one funny cat

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

mo fuckin lazer cats yo

Tube doors from no comment

from hereWhen you catch the tube,(and you cant see the tracksides cos of the tunnels) door tags are what you need to look at ,some go back years some dont,lots of scars ,sratchies etch mops pilots you name it.

rome b line

theres a dope poisen e2e at the end of this
Roma B-Line December 2009 from I Love Graffiti on Vimeo.



são paulo - the city of crazee life from Marcelo Reis on Vimeo.

Paris Subway - Less than one hour on line 3 from Click Claker on Vimeo.
Crack & Shine International *TRAILER* from Topsafe London on Vimeo.

band on the run

occupy wall street

Ben Warheit
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET is a people powered movement for democracy that began in America on September 17 with an encampment in the financial district of New York City. Inspired by the Egyptian Tahrir Square uprising and the Spanish acampadas, we vow to end the monied corruption of our democracy …

Mo ganko