Monday, June 6, 2011


A cool write up from a great site,some of its kinda obvious common sense,but some of you dont  have that ,enjoy
read it all here
DON'T GET CAUGHT - DOING GRAFF While we would never advise anybody to go out and do something illegal, or worse immoral, the sentences being given out to London’s most prolific graffiti writers in the past few years have been pretty insane. With the 2012 Olympics coming up, the crackdown on illegal graffifi has been intense, with the few writers that have been caught being made examples of during sentencing, in an attempt by the CPS to deter other writers from getting up.

As a response to what seems like disproportionate sentencing for the crime, we have written up a couple of tips to help keep London’s graff writers out of prison. Some of these tips might seem obvious to you, but you would be surprised how many graffiti writers have ended up being found guilty of conspiracy to commit criminal damage because they didn’t take these simple precautions.

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